WhatsApp Bold and Italics text formatting support very soon

Whatsapp bold and italics

Lately, WhatsApp has been getting a lot of new features and updates. The application got a new set of exciting emojis and also started supporting Document sharing. Now, the latest buzz is that the WhatsApp will start supporting text formatting in bold and italics text same as Facebook Messenger italics and bold. Yes, you can highlight certain text in Whatsapp bold and italics very soon.

This feature is currently available only for those users who had enrolled the official beta program in PlayStore. There are other new features as well. You will be able to see the progress of backups to your Google Drive. Earlier, the backups used to take place on a scheduled basis and the users were not able to see the progress of the backup process.

As mentioned above, WhatsApp text formatting has not made Whatsapp bold text or italics text these features available yet in any of the stable versions. If you want to try using the latest features, you will have to join the WhatsApp Beta program in PlayStore.

To know how to join the WhatsApp Beta Program in PlayStore, and let us know how did you like bold and italic in Whatsapp.

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About the Author: Derin J Tom

A homosapien in the pursuit of lending this cosmic world a small contribution of my supersonic dumb thoughts through words.

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