SpeakEmoji App translates anything you say into emoji

SpeakEmoji powered by SapientNitro is the new smartphone translator app that translates speech to popular emoji icons and it is available for free on iOS and Android. This app is super cool... Read more »
Ubuntu convergence 2016 mobile desktop

Ubuntu aims convergence across devices in 2016

Thanks to its simple user interface, Ubuntu is one of the most used Linux versions in the world. And if you are a Ubuntu lover, 2016 has something in cards for you. Read more »
Google to Replace Password with smartphones

Google to Replace Password with smartphones

We’re living in an age where we are virtually connected with our friends and relatives through e-mail, chat and social networking platforms. And remembering passwords for every online site where we have... Read more »
Microsoft Apps a new app by Microsoft to list all its apps in Android

Microsoft Apps – A new app by Microsoft to help you find all its apps in Android

It looks like Microsoft is no longer a competitor for Android. The company’s latest app in Android says so. Yes, Microsoft has unveiled its latest app “Microsoft Apps” in Android that helps... Read more »
Hidden and exciting features of Android

5 Hidden and Exciting features of your Android Smartphone

Smartphones have changed the way we live and Android has definitely made a big difference in shaping the lives and lifestyles of us to a better one. We depend on apps that... Read more »