Only a few things can compare to the level of happiness a recruiter feels when they find a great candidate for an available position. The level of satisfaction is immense and matching the requirements while also aligning with the company’s overall culture is a bonus.
However, the same thing is true in reverse. A few things can compare to the level of annoyance and regret that recruiters feel when they make a mistake. Dealing with the consequences is part and parcel of the job.
Whenever a business makes a poor recruiting decision, they’re committing an expensive error. The impact on the bottom line has an influence on the morale and productivity of the entire staff. Of course, there isn’t a foolproof approach for preventing terrible hires, especially in the metals industry.
However, there are a few strategies that can dramatically lower the chances of selecting an incorrect applicant. At the same time, the company can still focus on attracting top prospects for open jobs. Here are some of the tips that you can use to fine-tune your recruitment efforts.
Creating accurate descriptions
At first sight, this might seem like a no-brainer. Everyone knows that you have to list all of the requirements and benefits in the job description. But a lot of companies and recruiters frequently ignore this step.
Examine all of your job listings and see if you are portraying the position appropriately and in a way that’s straightforward to understand for potential candidates. Posting an open position is like writing a marketing advertisement.
You want people to come and work for the company. Include information about a typical day in the office or what candidates are supposed to do remotely. It’s also wise to include the type of person that would thrive and be effective in that capacity. Even little adjustments such as highlighting the most important tasks will have a positive impact on the outcome.
Make the application process simple
One of the things that job seekers hate the most is retyping the same info that they already attached to their CVs or resumes. Most people will abandon the application process if it takes too long or if it requires them to rewrite their education, skills, and previous work experience.
Given that most people that you’re planning to hire are skilled and highly qualified, it’s likely that they have several alternative career opportunities to examine. If you make the application process difficult and time-consuming, the most qualified prospects will start looking elsewhere.
Furthermore, after they’ve abandoned the application, there’s little likelihood that they’ll refer their friends and other colleagues. The hiring procedure is a reflection of the culture. Be certain that it accurately demonstrates that you’re sympathetic to the demands of prospects.
Maintain relationships
If you’ve been in the game for a while, then you know that there are some candidates that don’t match the requirements for the current job posting, but they have outstanding potential for a role that will open up in the future.
You need to have a system that assists you in staying in touch with these kinds of applicants. Maintaining close contact with a metals recruiter will ensure that you become their top choice when a top talent wants to transition into another role. Try to get their email and send them information about corporate news and current open positions.
Increase social media exposure
The average person spends around three hours browsing social media per day. If you want to be noticed, that’s where you need to be. Job searchers use Twitter, Facebook, and, most notably, LinkedIn to find new jobs.
Remember to advertise your position on your company’s page. It doesn’t matter if the position doesn’t resonate with your audience at the moment. The post might incentivize the viewers to send a link to their friends who are unhappy with their current position.
A few final words
It’s impossible not to make mistakes in a recruiting position. However, the aim of the job is to reduce the frequency of it. Sticking to these tips will help you develop lasting connections, and the investment in social media will pay a lot of dividends in the future. Over time, your chances of finding a great employee will increase substantially.
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