We have been discussing the various ways to liberate from the Auto Mode in our cameras by having a look at the Exposure. We have also discussed the ISO, Shutter Speed and Aperture in d
In earlier posts, we have also discussed the Depth of Field and Focal length while talking about Aperture and Shutter Speed. If you are still not clear about it, I would suggest you
These priority modes are partially manual and partially automatic in nature. We will discuss each of them in detail in this post.
Aperture Priority Mode
Just as the name sounds, you would decide the aperture you want to use before clicking your frame. This decision depends mostly on the depth of field. For a larger depth of field especially while capturing landscapes, you would probably go for a fixed aperture such as f/11 or f/16. In such situations, when you are not clear about other settings like ISO and shutter speed, this aperture priority mode can be very useful.
Your camera will automatically choose the settings for you based on the aperture you want to use. Same is when you want to click a frame with a shallow depth of field with an object in focus and background as blur. I would try to use the largest aperture possible like 1.4 or 1.8 to create a more dramatic effect.
You must note one thing. While going ahead with an aperture like f/11 or f/16, if there is less light in the frame, the camera would try to lower the shutter speed or boost the ISO to give you a clear picture. You must make sure that the shutter speed doesn’t go lower than 1/60 if you don’t have a tripod to avoid blurriness in the final output.
You can choose this mode in your camera by changing the mode to ‘A’ or ‘AV’ depending on the manufacturer of your camera.
Shutter Priority Mode
In our earlier post on Shutter Speed, we had clearly discussed that the movement plays a vital role in deciding the shutter speed. For instance, if you want to capture a sporting event where there is a lot of movement with high speed, you would have to choose a higher shutter speed such as 1/2000 or 1/4000. That’s why photographers like you and me go with the shutter priority mode in cases where the shutter speed is decided prior to clicking the photo.
In cases where you want to add a motion blur to give a more dramatic effect in your final output, you will have to choose a shutter speed like 1/125. And the camera will take care of the other settings such as aperture and ISO. Anyways, you must note that when the camera selects different apertures, the depth of field in the final output will be impacted.
Final words
As discussed above, aperture and shutter priority modes are used when you want to go ahead with a fixed aperture or shutter speed. Though it would give a lot of control over your final output, it might take some time to get habituated to using them. That’s why you shouldn’t get disappointed in the beginning if you are not getting your shots straight.
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