The Government of India introduced Aadhaar a 12-digit unique identity number that can be obtained by residents of India, based on their biometric and demographic data. But, do you wonder although the Aadhar card is with you, where your Aaadhar number has been used for verification. Since, the data is collected by the Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI) you can very well Check Aadhar Authentication History online on its website (
The UIDAI website allows Aadhar card holder to check their authentication history through ‘Aadhar Authentication history’ on the website that provides the history about its use in the past six months. Upon checking your authentication history if you find there is a misuse you can also lodge a complaint. As UIDAI says on its website, “This feature can be used to view Authentication details. You can fetch your Aadhaar authentication history (Notification) data.”
Here are the steps to check where your Aadhaar card has been used in the last six months.
- Open UIDAI’s website, Then, click on the link ‘Aadhaar Authentication History’ under the section ‘Aadhaar Services’.
- Enter your 12-digit Aadhaar number in the requisite box and fill the 4-digit security check code.
- Now click on ‘Send OTP’. The OTP will be sent to your registered mobile number.
- After you click on ‘Send OTP’ a new page opens up that will ask to fill following fields to proceed further: Authentication Type; Select Date Range; Number of Records; and OTP.
- The following options will be available in the drop-down ‘Authentication Type’: Demographic, Biometric, All, Demographic & Biometric, Demographic & OTP and Biometric & OTP
- You should choose the option ‘All’ in Authentication Type.
- Click on ‘Select Date Range’, You can select any date range option given on the page but option is maximum up to 6 months.
- Enter the ‘Number of Records’ you want to see on one page. You can request maximum up to 50 records per page.
- Now enter the OTP recieved for authentication and click on ‘Submit’ button.
- The page will shows the notification history for all the places where your Aadhaar has been used.
- In case you find any misuse of your Aadhaar information or any other discrepancy, you can complain to UIDAI by calling on Toll free No. 1947 or contact the Authentication User Agency for that transaction from the provided AUA list on the page.
Anyways, the government is working on to make this process much easier. So, if you are stuck anywhere still, do not worry, because new ways will be added soon.
The Government of India is very serious about its people to Link Aadhaar with Mobile number. All these days, the customers had to visit the offline stores of the respective telecom operators to accomplish this task. And now, the process got very easier. The mobile users in the country can now dial a single number, irrespective of their network to verify their mobile numbers with the Aadhaar. It means that the users can now perform the verification process right from their houses and not from any physical outlets.
Indian Government had earlier made it mandatory to link your PAN card and Aadhaar to file the taxes. Back in the month of November, the telecom operators were advised to set up a website where the users could link their Aadhaar and mobile number online. But so far, there is no mention of any such website. That’s why this tollfree number service is going to be very helpful to the users.
However, let us know if you are facing any issue while following the steps for How To Check Online Where Aadhar Number has been used for verification using the Check Aadhar Authentication History option in the comments section below.
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