As far as the features released in the latest beta release of WhatsApp in iOS is concerned, WhatsApp will soon support the GIF feature. The latest beta version of the iOS app comes with the feature to play the GIF links automatically besides allowing you to embed them in the chats directly.
Other social networking platforms such as Facebook have been supporting the GIF feature for some time now. Viber introduced the GIF support in its app on both Android and iOS yesterday in addition to the other features. The latest update in the Viber also allows you to back up your chats.
However, WhatsApp has not announced the GIF support yet. We can expect the announcement to take place very soon with the extension of the GIF support in the Android devices as well. There are also reports that the video calling feature will soon pop up in WhatsApp. So, it all looks like huge changes will be seen in WhatsApp in the coming days.
Do you think GIF feature should have been introduced earlier? Let us know your views in the comments section below. We would love to hear from you.