Thanks to WhatsApp latest and controversial privacy policy update Signal app is yet another instant messaging platform that’s getting benefited from it. WhatsApp has disappearing message feature which took a bit time to get enable in this app. However, the Signal app comes with this feature, in fact Signal disappearing message feature let user choose the time interval and thus messages disappear at scheduled time.
Signal app also provides an encrypted messaging service for its end-to-end secret private messaging service. Telegram is yet another app which has seen rise in its users who have downloaded and install the Telegram app. Now, if you are wondering how to enable disappearing messages on Signal, follow the step-by-step guide to use it.
Steps for how to enable disappearing messages on Signal
Step 1: Open Signal app on your device.
Step 2: Tap on the contact’s name whom you want to send disappearing Signal message to open chatbox.
Step 3: Tap on the contact name on the top to open the settings.
Step 4: Scroll down and tap on the ‘Disappearing messages’ option.
Step 5: You will see a pop up window to set the interval
Step 6: Set your choice of interval and tap OK.
By, following the same above steps you can enable the disappearing message feature on Signal group as well considering you are the group Admin. However, whenever you are done with this feature just disable it with same steps.
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