WhatsApp has finally announced the WhatsApp Dark mode feature for both Android and iOS users. The WhatsApp Dark mode feature lets users choose from light or dark theme in WhatsApp. Once, you enable it your chats will appear with dark background and messages will be appearing in green bubbles. However, the dark theme is more like dark gray unlike pure black available in some apps.
WhatsApp said that they have focused on two particular areas when designing dark mode it spent time researching and experimenting
- Readability: When choosing colors, we wanted to minimize eye fatigue and use colors that are closer to the system defaults on iPhone and Android respectively.
- Information Hierarchy: We wanted to help users easily focus their attention on each screen. We did this by using color and other design elements to make sure the most important information stands out.
Steps to enable WhatsApp Dark Mode feature in Android and iOS devices.
How to enable WhatsApp Dark mode in iPhone
- You need to first download latest version of WhatsApp (2.20.30) from App Store and install it to update the WhatsApp version.
- Go to Settings
- Tap on the Display & Brightness option
- Tap on Dark to enable system wide Dark Mode.
How to enable WhatsApp Dark mode in Android device
- You need to first download latest version of WhatsApp (2.20.64) from Google Play Store on your phone and install it to update the WhatsApp version.
- Tap on the three-dot menu icon on the top right and select Settings.
- Tap on Chats to go into the chat settings.
- Tap on Theme
- Tap on Dark and you are all set to use WhatsApp Dark Mode.
Share your thoughts with us in the comment section, if you like this WhatsApp Dark Mode feature and find it useful.
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