Apple also announced the iPhone XR in the company’s latest ‘XR’ series along with iPhone XS and iPhone XS MAX in the ‘XS’ series. The iPhone XR is a cheaper version with a 6.1-inch LCD 326ppi Liquid Retina display, as per company it has the best LCD display ever made. It is also powered by same A12 Bionic 7nm Chip.
It comes with IP67 ratings as splash- and water-resistant. It has an Aluminum and Glass Design and has wireless charging as well, thanks to the glass back. It comes with Face ID and has LTE Advanced and Dual SIM support (via eSIM), similar to the XS series.
But, it loses the secondary 12 MP telephoto lens while retaining the wide-angle lens same as iPhone XS and iPhone XS MAX.
Apple iPhone XR specifications
The iPhone XR6.1-inch LCD 326ppi Liquid Retina display, 3D Touch with a resolution of 1792 x 828 pixels.
It is powered by Six-core A12 Bionic 64-bit 7nm processor with four-core GPU, M12 motion co-processor and runs on iOS 12.
The device comes with 64 GB, 128 GB, 256 GB storage options.
It has rear camera of 12MP wide-angle (f/1.8) camera,optical image stabilization, True Tone flash, 4K video recording at 60 fps, Slo‑mo 1080p at 240 fps.
On the front side it has 7MP front camera with f/2.2 aperture, 1080p video recording, Retina Flash.
Connectivity and Sensors
The device supports 4G VoLTE, WiFi 802.11 ac with MIMO, Bluetooth 5.0, NFC with reader mode, GPS with GLONASS. It has Dual SIM (secondary eSIM from select carriers or physical SIM in China). It also has TrueDepth camera for FaceID facial recognition and Stereo speakers
Battery and Dimensions
It packs a built-in rechargeable lithium-ion battery with Qi wireless charging, fast charging, up to 15 hours of internet use.
Price and availability
The Apple iPhone XR starting price is $749. It comes in white, black, blue, yellow, coral and (PRODUCT) RED colors.
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