WhatsApp beta for Android gets six different WhatsApp adaptive icon

WhatsApp adaptive icon

WhatsApp has rolled out new update through WhatsApp Beta latest 2.18.74 version. The beta update has brought the WhatsApp adaptive icon. The new launcher icons are similar to the original icon except it is now having different shapes like default (circle), square, rounded square, squircle, and teardrop.

It’s been a year since WhatsApp replaced the original shadowy icon with the existing WhatsApp icon. So, we should be happy about it that now we are not just getting a new icon but six different shapes. Now, you can complain about why WhatsApp did not follow the suggestion for new icon. But, let’s focus on using these through WhatsApp beta.

WhatsApp adaptive icon

Usage of the beta version of an app will allow you to use the latest features even before when it is rolled out to everyone. Therefore, by using the beta version of the WhatsApp, you will be able to test and use the latest features of the app. To become a tester, you will have to join the testing program of WhatsApp in PlayStore. You can join WhatsApp beta testing program.

You can download the beta version of WhatsApp through PlayStore, if you are already a tester.

If, you are not a beta tester, still you can use it through APK Mirror and side-load it manually and share your thoughts about the WhatsApp adaptive icon.

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About the Author: Ranjit Ranjan

More than 15 years of experience in web development projects in countries such as US, UK and India. Blogger by passion and SEO expert by profession.

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