Do you know the basics of using the internet and know your way around a computer, but are baffled by words like malware, viruses, infected devices and firewalls?
Before you let your imagination run away with you, no, this is not a scenario from an online game of the Apocalypse, nor is it a page out of the ‘Matrix’ – however, getting info on these things and how to tackle them is important to stay safe.
You will need some form of antivirus program such as McAfee vs Avast or any other AV brand – simply because you can’t leave your confidential data unprotected from online hackers. You won’t ever dream of leaving the front door of your home open and unlocked when you go on vacation, or leave the keys in your car running and leave it unlocked – so why would you let your system be vulnerable and open for attack by malicious online users?
Malicious people are everywhere, and the online world is the new space where all sorts of information can be stolen and used against you. Your financial data can be hacked, resulting in loss of all funds in your account, your personal data on social media accounts can be stolen, with others using that data maliciously, or even have your ID stolen – these are all real life scenarios which have affected many people who didn’t give their online security a second thought.
Antivirus programs are the main protective barrier from the hundreds and thousands of malware that come knocking at your online door on a daily basis. They are all looking for a way to get in, so they can get up to their dirty work.
Fortunately, by simply buying a good and reliable antivirus Suite, your system can be safe from the many viruses that can potentially plague your system.
You may be wondering, what is malware? To put it in a nutshell, malware are malicious software that can sneak into your computer, with viruses being the most popular type of malware. A virus can ‘infect’ your computer and it can spread via mails, infected downloads and files or even through security breaches in your computers.
Other types of malware include spyware– which can ‘spy’ on your activities and store all your data without your knowledge, adware – which plagues your computer with useless ads, Ransomware which will steal your data to be held for ransom and more. Why put yourself in a situation where you find all the digital copies of your wedding pictures have been destroyed from your hard disk thanks to a corrupted file, or all your work you had been working on for a project have been deleted.
The easiest way that malware can enter your computer is through file downloads from dubious sites, included in pirated software, infected files and attachments in emails and more.
The simple solution to fighting malware is to get a reliable and effective antivirus program which will make short work of all these malicious programs. Ensure that you have upgraded and updated your Windows to the latest update and are using the most recent version of your browser.
Experts will always recommend making backups of all your sensitive information, so that you don’t have to find yourself in a situation where you have to pay someone for data stolen from your computer, or find yourself helpless that all your precious data is missing.
Prevention is always better than cure, and a good antivirus program such as Kaspersky or Avira should help you keep your computer and your family safe from online threats.