One of the most widely used messaging apps, Telegram has been updated to a new version number 4.7. This latest Telegram update will add the support for multiple accounts on Android smartphones. In iOS devices, the Telegram 4.7 will bring several accent colours and four different themes. The messaging app now also supports quick replies on both Android and iOS along with other feature like Telegram allow you to edit your text messages after sending them. The quick replies on Telegram is more like the one on WhatsApp.
By making use of the latest Telegram update, the users can add up to three accounts with various phone numbers. It means that you will not need three Android smartphones to operate three accounts anymore. You will also be able to switch between the added accounts from slide menu to send messages for any added phone number on your Telegram app.
The iOS users on the other hand will be able to customize the look of the app using the latest update. All you will need to do to achieve that would be to pay a visit to the Appearance section of the settings and then choose any one of the four themes. Among them, the Day theme will allow you to change the view of the app by selecting a suitable accent colour for the complete app. Telegram app introduces 1000 member Supergroup, admin-role and in-app notification in its previous update.
To be on par with its opponent in the market, WhatsApp, the developers of Telegram added the support for Quick Replies which are equally available on both iOS and Android devices. You will just need to swipe left on any message to reply quickly with a GIF, sticker, emoji or Text.
Earlier, Telegram confirmed that it wants to work alone, denies holding talks with Google and not really looking forward to be acquired by anyone anytime sooner. We appreciate their decision. Which app do you use often to communicate with your friends and beloved ones? Telegram or WhatsApp? Share us your answer and views in the comments section below.
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