Telegram an encrypted messaging service app that works both on Android and iOS came under scrutiny lately as the reports of the app being used by the terrorist groups emerged recently.The app is known for its end-to-end secret messaging service that would leave no trace in any of the services with additional self-destructing features. The app is so confident about its security that there’s a competition by the company where it has promised to pay $300,000 prize for those who would decipher the messages.
In the wake of these reports, the Telegram has decided to come up with an update of Supergroups, admins and in-app notifications.
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Supergroups are groups with up to 1000 members with admin functionality and the notifications are muted by default in supergroup.
Here on wards, once any group reaches 200 members, the app would ask “Supersize that?” which would help you to set up the supersize group.
The admins of the group can add and remove members.
Besides this, the update also boasts about a new feature called “in-app notifications”. Say when you’re using the app, you will see an in-app notification at the top when you receive a new message. You can pull down to view the contents of the message including attachments.
The new features are available both on Android and iOS at the same time.
Telegram, already known for its security features has gone to a whole new level by the introduction of the supergroups, admins and in-app notifications.
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