Back on July 25, the Xiaomi announced its latest version of Android skin with features such as Universal Image Search, Split Screen and Smart Assistant. Though the MIUI 9 Global Beta ROM started rolling to the users from July 11, most of these features were available only to MIUI China ROM till date. However, the company decided to rollout MIUI 9 smart assistant feature and other new features to closed Beta Users with MIUI Global 7.10.31 from yesterday.
This update also adds the quick cards support to phones. The users will be able to choose 4 cards utmost now like Note, Calendar Events Cricket or Shortcuts. And you will be able to customize only the shortcuts to do several actions for various apps.
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Please check the screenshots below for more details.
In addition to these changes in the Settings app, you will find that the About Phone has been moved to the top in the Settings just like the MIUI China Beta ROM. The updater option is currently available only under About Phone settings.
Another obvious change is in the notification panel which will display the monthly data usage in addition to the existing Daily Data usage.
For more details, check out the changelog below.
New – Mi Miver, supports data migration restarting. During migrating data to the new phone, device hotspot connection will be restored automatically in case of interruption to complete the data migration. (10-25)
New – Distance sensor dynamic calibration function, to ensure that black screen appears correctly (10-26)
Lockscreen, Status Bar, Notification Bar
Optimization – Adjusted time for tapping the Lock screen notifications (10-24)
Optimization – “Add to favorites” icon adjustments (10-24)
New – Mi Mover, supports data migration restarting. During migrating data to the new phone, device hotspot connection will be restored automatically in case of interruption to complete the data migration (10-25)
Fix – Mi Mover can’t continue to migrate data after the network connection is interrupted and restored (10-25)
Fix – Mi Mover can’t migrate all apps to the new phone (10-25)
Mi Account
Optimization – Reduced the number of push notifications when the is signed out (10-30)
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