Lava launched Lava Helium 12, the company’s second laptop in the Helium series. A few months ago, the Helium 14 was launched by the Indian manufacturer. The Helium 12 packs 12.5-inch HD display, comes with 2 GB RAM and 32 GB ROM and is powered by quad-core Intel x5-Z8350 processor. The storage memory is expandable using the microSD card.
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Lava Helium 12 specifications
The laptop sports a 12.5-inch HD LED Backlit display with a resolution of 1366 x 768 pixels.
It is powered by 1.44 GHz quad-core Intel Z8350 processor (Turbo Boost up to 1.88GHz) with Intel HD Graphics and runs on Windows 10 Home OS out of the box.
The device comes with 2 GB RAM and 32 GB internal memory that can be expanded to 128 GB using the microSD card.
Camera and Headset
It comes with VGA Webcam and supports 3.5mm headphone out.
Connectivity and ports
The gadget supports WiFi 802.11 b/g/n, Bluetooth 4.0, 1 x USB 3.0, 1 x USB 2.0, 1 x Mini HDMI Port.
Battery and Dimensions
The Helium 12 packs 10000 mAh Lithium Polymer battery and weighs 1.31 kg with 318 x 211 x 20mm size measurements.
Price and availability
Lava Helium 12 will be available in Gold and Silver colors at a price of Rs 12,999 from the multi-brand outlets and retail stores across 14 cities in India.
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Our view on Lava Helium 12 Laptop
Helium 12 laptop is a light-weight laptop and is perfect for the students who want to rely on a gadget to take their notes.
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