Panasonic P77 16 GB version has been launched in India. Last year, the company launched the Panasonic P77 with 8 GB internal memory. Apart from that, the rest of the specifications remains almost the same. For instance, the mobile packs 5-inch HD display, 2000 mAh battery and much more. It’s high time that we have a look at the specifications of the P77 16 GB version in detail and let’s start it.
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Panasonic P77 16 GB specifications
The smartphone sports a 5-inch HD IPS fully laminated display at a resolution of 1280 x 720 pixels.
It is powered by 1GHz quad-core MediaTek MT6735P processor and runs on Android 5.1 (Lollipop) out of the box.
The device comes with 1 GB RAM and 16 GB internal memory that can be expanded to 32 GB using microSD card.
It has 8-megapixel primary camera with LED Flash and 2-megapixel front camera.
The gadget supports 4G VoLTE, WiFi 802.11 b/g/n, Bluetooth 4.0, GPS and Dual SIM connectivity features.
Battery and Dimensions
The mobile supports 2000 mAh battery and weighs 126 grams with 143 x 72 x 7.6mm size measurements.
Price and Availability
The smartphone will be available in White and Grey colors at a price of Rs 5299 exclusively via Flipkart in the country.
When Android 8.0 is out and the people are longing for the Oreo version, it is surprising to see the Panasonic is upgrading its smartphones which run on Android 5 Lollipop. However, let us know whether you like this move by the company in the comments section below. We’d love to hear about it from you.
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