As promised, OnePlus launched the company’s latest prestigious smartphone, OnePlus 5 in India. The mobile sports a 5.5-inch Optic AMOLED display with DCI-P3 color coverage at a resolution of 1080p, powered by Octa-Core Snapdragon 835 and runs on Oxygen OS which is based on Android 7.1.1 (Nougat) out of the box.
Click on OnePlus 5 to know the complete specifications of the device.
Price and Availability of OnePlus 5 in India
- The OnePlus 5 Slate Gray 6 GB RAM – 64 GB ROM is priced at Rs 32,999 and the high-end Midnight Black 8 GB RAM – 128 GB ROM version will be available at Rs 37,999 exclusively via from 4:30 PM today in the country.
The sale of mobile in Amazon is backed with Kindle offers, Rs 1500 cashback for SBI card holders, accidental coverage and data offers for the Vodafone customers and much more.
Share us your views in the comments section below. We’d love to hear about it from you.
Available on Amazon:
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