SwiftKey for Android now provides shortcuts / text expansion and Incognito mode in addition to Android Nougat Support and certain bug fixes. This feature was earlier introduced in the beta version of the app last month.
Just like how the incognito mode works in the browser, when it is enabled in SwiftKey, it will stop learning the words that you are typing in. You can enable this function from the SwiftKey Hub and the latest theme is a dark one with a mask in the background.
The latest features for SwiftKey on Android are as follows:
- We have added QWERTZ Swiss French layout
- We’ve added QWERTZ extended layout for Swiss German and Swiss Italian
- Incognito mode added which temporarily stops SwiftKey learning words / phrases
- Fixed
- Dragging the cursor while typing in Chinese will no longer cause a crash.
- Themes will now download after the first tap
Let us know if you are using SwiftKey as the default keyboard in your Smartphone by commenting in the comments section below. Also tell us whether you have liked the latest update with the Incognite mode. We’d love to hear about it from you.