Twitter has announced that it will shut down its Vine app in the coming months. This news is followed after the company made public that it will lay off around 9% of its global workforce. Vine was initially launched as a 6 second video sharing app in January 2013 and app for Android was released in the same year. To be on par with Instagram, the video sharing app increased the video limit to 140 seconds.
The company has however revealed that it will not discontinue the services of the app in mobile apps, website or Vines right away from today. It will provide the users some time to download their videos. Twitter has also said that it will keep the website online.
Twitter posted in its official Medium blog:
You will be notified before we make any changes to the app or website. We’ll be working closely with creators to make sure your questions are answered and will work hard to do this the right way. We’ll be sharing more details on this blog and our Twitter account, and will notify you through the app when we start to change things.
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