Google Maps has changed the way we drive and travel. From helping us to reach our destinations to finding the shortest way, the app is really helping the drivers across the world in many ways. And it is very evident that the world is evolving into using Voice Assistants very often. Who wouldn’t use Voice Commands in Google Maps right? Therefore, to continue the pace, Google has introduced a new collection of Voice Commands that can be used in its Google Maps app.
A blog post by Google in its official blog goes through the whole process of setting up OK Google Commands to enable it in the Maps app. Below listed are a set of new commands that can make your experience in the Google Maps app much better.
Travel and Direction
“Mute.” or “Mute voice guidance.”
“Unmute.” or “Unmute voice guidance.”
“Show traffic.” or “Hide traffic.”
“Show satellite.” or “Hide satellite.”
“Navigate home.” or “Navigate to Starbucks.”
“Show route overview.” or “Show alternate routes.”
“What road is this?”
“What’s my next turn?”
“What’s my ETA?”
“How’s traffic ahead?” or “How’s traffic to home?”
“What’s the weather like?”
“Avoid tolls.” or “Enable tolls.”
“Avoid highways.” or “Enable highways.”
“Avoid ferries.” or “Enable ferries.”
“Exit navigation.”
More commands you can say
“Call Mom.”
“Find gas stations.” or “Find restaurants.”
“Send a text to Larry.” or “Send a SMS to Sergey, I’m feeling lucky.”
“What’s the weather like?” or “How’s the weather in Seattle?”
“Play some jazz.” or “Play happy birthday on Google Play Music.”
“What’s the closest hotel?”
“When’s my next meeting?”
Would you use Voice commands to navigate yourself or would you rather continue to use the Maps app by staring at the screen? Let us know your views in the comments section below. We’d love to hear from you.
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