The past few weeks were filled with speculations regarding WhatsApp getting a video call feature. It looks like those speculations are true, because, the Facebook-owned WhatsApp added the video calling feature in its latest beta update for the Android users.
Earlier when the voice calling feature was released, it was first released to a set of users. The other users got the voice calling feature through an invitation from the users who were already using the feature. The new video calling feature is also likely to follow the same procedure as it is an update that has to occur from the server side.
Once the video calling feature is enabled, upon clicking the call icon, you will see, options to make either a video call or a voice call.
To avail this feature, you will have to become a beta user in Android. Click here to know on how to become a beta WhatsApp user in Android.
Let us know your views on the video calling feature in WhatsApp in the comments section below. We would love to hear from you.