Pebble has made its entry into the India market with its range of smartwatches. These smartwatches work with both Android and iPhone smartphones and Users can also enjoy the in-built Pebble apps store to browse a selection of over 13,000 free apps and watchfaces. The Pebble smartwatches are available on Amazon with Cash on Delivery option as well.
Pebble Smartwatches
1. Pebble Classic
Pebble is introducing its range starting at Rs 5,999 for Pebble Classic. It comes with a 1.26-inch ePaper display- an ultra-low-powered Sharp LCD with a 144×168-pixel resolution. It has a motion-sensing accelerometer, Ambient Light Sensor and offers basic control of music on your phone. It also notify the calls, messages, emails and texts. The best part is that this smartwatch is waterproof and available in three different colors: Cherry Red, Jet Black, and Arctic White.
Amazon Link:
2. Pebble Time
Pebble Time is company’s high-end smartwatch available at Rs 9,999. This smartwatch includes Pebble Health, a built in activity and sleep tracker with daily reports and weekly insights. It is also water resistant with built in microphone for voce notes and quick replies. It is compatible with device running Around 4.0.3 or higher and iOS 8 or higher.
Amazon Link:
3. Pebble Time Round
Pebble Time Round is available at Rs 13,599 at Amazon. It is the thinnest and lightest smartwatch in world probably the most comfortable too which weighs 28 grams and is 7.55 mm thin. It sets a new standard for what’s possible with wearable technology. The quick release watchband mechanism let users swap band quickly. It also has the Pebble Health built in activity and sleep tracker along with quick charging feature that lasts up to two days on a single charge.
Amazon Link:
4. Pebble Time Steel
Pebble Time Steel is available at Rs. 15,999 that helps to manage everything from notifications, incoming calls, calendar events, fitness, music playback and more. It has battery life of 10 days that fits every occasion with hundreds of watch faces and personalization mode. Pebble Time Steel is also water resistant up to 30 meters and has a built-in microphone for voice notes and quick replies. It is also equipped with the Pebble Health feature tracks your sleep, steps, and helps to get personalized insights.
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