Xiaomi launched a couple of new devices recently. While Mi 5 was launched in India at a price of Rs 24999 last month, 20000 mAh Mi Power Bank and Redmi Note 3 were also launched at 1699 and 9999/11999 respectively. All of them available so far through flash sales and one open sale. However, the company has scheduled an open sale for three devices on May 4.
The 20000 mAh Mi Power bank features an ABS plastic body with a better grip that is good enough to prevent scratches. It provides fast charging and has two standard USB slots. It also promises up to 93 % conversion rate and allows you to charge two devices at the same time.
To recall, Mi 5 sports a 5.15 inch 1080 display, is powered by 3 GB RAM and Quad-core Qualcomm Snapdragon 820 processor in addition to the Adreno 530 GPU. The device runs on MIUI 7 that is based on Android 6.0 (Marshmallow), has a 16 MP Primary camera with Sony IMX298 sensor, PDAF, f/2.0 aperture, dual-tone LED flash, 4-axis OIS and dual-tone LED flash that can be used to record videos at 4K resolution besides the 4 MP Selfie camera with f/2.0 aperture and 2um pixel size.
Redmi Note 3 sports a 5.5-inch full HD IPS display at a resolution of 1920 x 1080 pixels with 178-degree viewing angle. It is powered by Hexa-core Snapdragon 650 64-bit processor with Adreno 510 GPU. It comes in two variants of 2 GB RAM with 16 GB internal storage and 3 GB RAM with 32 GB internal storage. The internal memory in both the variant devices can be expanded via microSD.
Registrations for Redmi Note 3 are not required via the company’s official website. Registration is required only for the sale via Amazon on the same day.