We had earlier reported that iPhone SE, the latest 4-inch revolutionary Smartphone from the family of Apple will be available in India from Rs 39000. And as far as the announcements made by the company are concerned, the Smartphone is all set to go on sale in the country from April 8. The latest news surrounding the iPhone SE is that its 64 GB variant will be available at a price of Rs 49000.
Apple’s iPhone SE is available in two variants of 16 GB and 64 GB while the former costing $399 and the latter priced at $499. In India, they are going to be available at Rs 39000 and Rs 49000.
To recall, iPhone SE is powered by Apple’s latest A9 chip with PowerVR GT7600 six-core graphics and dual-core Twister processor that is clocked at 1.85 GHz. The device sports a 4 inch display at a resolution of 1136 x 640 pixels and a 326 ppi pixel density. It has a stunning 12 MP primary camera just like iPhone 6S and iPhone 6S Plus which can be used to record videos at 4K resolution. On the other hand, the selfie camera is 1.2 MP with Retina Flash feature for gorgeous selfies.
Also Read: Apple starts shipping iPad Pro and iPhone SE to pre-order customers
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