Some people actually believe a Mac can sense fear and urgency in their users. Just as it detects a hint of panic- you have a deadline or an important online meeting, it starts to act up! That dreaded beach ball keeps spinning while your patience runs out. Eventually, it goes away, but only to return in some time.
You can either take frequent breaks with your Mac and use these technical glitches to your advantage, or take some time to solve them once and for all.
Here are some steps to help you solve your Mac performance problems:
1. The most widely used technique
Hold on and exit all apps. Opening up too many tabs at once may be the reason your computer is working slow. Shut it down. Just like you wake up feeling fresher than ever after that power nap, your Mac needs a power nap to feel better, too! Keep it shut for 5-10 minutes and then restart. The rejuvenation will definitely pay off!
2. Using limited softwares at a time
Just because a machine is not a living being, does not mean it doesn’t get exhausted. Running too many apps and keeping too many tabs open may deprive your Mac of its energy, and it begins to slow down. Close the tabs you do not require, and ensure to keep only a limited number of tabs open at any time.
3. Go to the Activity Monitor
If you feel that a certain app is taking a lot of space, the best way to check is the Activity Monitor. It can be found under Applications>Utilities. Click on the ‘% CPU’ drop-down and arrange the processes by the highest CPU use. Since your Mac is continuously performing some function or the other, this list will keep changing. Notice the app that stays on the top of the list at all times- that’s your culprit!. You should also keep the laptop well charged like usb c cable braided cord is a fast charging cable.
4. Free up disk space
Your computer’s startup disk may not have enough free space. To free up some space, you can move your existing files to any other disk, or an external storage device like microsd to usb card reader. Deleting the files from the startup disk then will create some space and you will not experience slow down again. macOS also helps you optimize storage by encouraging you to store files in the cloud. Not only storage, but it also indicates towards the files you might no longer need on your computer, and you can decide if to delete them to free up more space on your system.
5. Empty Trash
It might seem unlikely, but all the deleted folders and files that remain in the trash can also result in performance issues. These files, even though in the trash, remain a part of the system and contribute to memory use. Keep emptying your trash every now and then and don’t let unwanted files get the best of you!
6. Update your software
If your software is out of date, it might pose a threat to your system. Outdated software will not run as smoothly and efficiently as you would like it to, contributing to slow system performance. macOS gives regular updates on the system, notifying the user to constantly update. Sometimes it may get into the way of work, and we choose to ignore it. Go back to those notifications when you are free and update your system frequently to make it run as fast as possible.
You have to be patient while working on fixing the issues. The internet is full of self help guides and tutorials for every technical problem. Stay inspired and stay on top of it !
These are some basic steps that you can take to enhance the performance of your system. But if even after trying all of these, your system still gives you a hard time, then it’s time to see a technician.
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