OPPO launched the new OPPO F11 Pro Marvel’s Avengers Limited Edition in India, while it was announced in Malaysia earlier this week. The F11 Pro smartphone has been launched by OPPO in partnership with Marvel in India. The specifications are similar to original OPPO F11 Pro phone like 6.5-inch FHD+ Panaromic screen without a notch, has 90.9% screen-to-body ratio. It is powered by MediaTek Helio P70 12nm processor with 6GB of RAM and runs Android 9.0 (Pie) with ColorOS 6.0 on top.
It also features a 48MP rear camera with Ultra Night Mode and Dazzle Color Mode along with a 5MP secondary rear camera that uses AI Engine and Ultra-clear Engine to deliver a crisp portrait. On the front side it has 16MP rising front camera placed in the center promising natural selfie. It has a rear mounted Fingerprint Sensor and packs a 4000mAh battery with VOOC flash charge 3.0 and bundled 5V-4A charger.
As, Marvel’s Avenger limited Edition F11 Pro comes with Blue color with glossy finish. It features OPPO signature gradient effects combined with an intricate hexagonal pattern and red Avengers logo to complete the design. For extra protection and durability it comes with Captain America inspired case, influenced by Captain America’s iconic shield. You can use this shield as a phone stand holder.
The box set for OPPO F11 Pro Marvel’s Avengers Limited Edition has thermo printed classic Avengers logo and stamped collector’s badge with golden stickers of major characters like Hulk, Thor, Iron Man and others. This is certainly a wonderful gift for collectors and enthusiasts.
The OPPO F11 Pro Marvel’s Avengers Limited Edition is priced at Rs. 27,990 for the 6GB RAM and 128GB storage. It is currently available for pre-order from Amazon.in and will go on sale from May 1st.
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