Lava launched the company’s first smartphone Lava Z91 with Full View display in India. It sports a 5.7-inch HD+ 2.5D curved glass display. It is powered by MediaTek MT6739 SoC and runs on Android 7.0 (Nougat) with Star OS 4.2 on top. It has the face unlock feature that promises to unlock the phone within 0.7 seconds. It also has a fingerprint sensor on the back of the phone.
It has a 13 MP rear camera with flash and an 8 MP front-facing camera with flash. It packs a 3000mAh battery and comes with a glass finish on the back.
Commenting on the launch, Gaurav Nigam, Head – Product, Lava International said:
We are super excited to announce the launch of Lava Z91. We always strive to provide valuable and innovative technologies at pocket-friendly prices to our consumers and Z91 is a perfect example of this. Z91 is an amalgamation of latest technology and beautiful design, aimed at meeting all the needs of consumers and providing them with the best user experience. The face recognition feature, full screen display, and exceptional good looks are the USPs of the product, besides durability and the robustness of the device which comes with every mobile handset from LAVA. We are sure that this latest addition to our very successful Z series, Z91 will be loved by our consumers.
Lava Z91 specifications
The mobile sports a 5.7-inch HD+ 18:9 2.5D curved glass display with a resolution of 1440 x 720 pixel.
It is powered by 1.5GHz Quad-Core MediaTek MT6739 64-bit processor with PowerVR Rogue GE8100 GPU and runs on Android 7.0 (Nougat) with Star OS 4.2.
The device comes with 3GB RAM and 32GB storage, the storage memory can be expanded up to 128GB using microSD card.
It has 13MP rear camera with LED Flash and 8MP front-facing camera with LED flash.
Connectivity & Sensors
The mobile supports 4G VoLTE, Wi-Fi 802.11 b/g/n, Bluetooth 4.0, GPS + GLONASS. It has a dedicated Dual SIM. It also has Face unlock feature and a Fingerprint sensor on the back of the phone.
Battery and Dimensions
The mobile 3000mAh battery, it has size measurement of 152.02 x 72.9 x 7.7 mm and weight 147g.
Price and availability
The Lava Z91 is priced at Rs. 9,999 and it comes in Blue color. It will be available at over 100,000 retail stores by mid-April, 2018.
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