The display of Samsung Galaxy S8 is winning the hearts of people. Besides that, the company is also marketing its brand new infinite display in all the possible ways. But, earlier in this week, a few users reported a reddish tint on their displays of Samsung Galaxy S8 smartphone. As per the reports, the Samsung accepted the issue and had suggested that the users could resolve it on their own. However, the latest news is that the South Korean company is going to roll out an update to fix this issue.
A Samsung spokesperson said:
“Because there are some complaints about the red-tinted screens, we decided to upgrade the software next week for all Galaxy S8 clients.”
The users were initially advised to adjust the red color in the color balance settings. But, Some users still had the red tint on their displays despite adjusting the red color to its lowest level.
If you are facing the issue, do not worry. You will have to wait only for a few more days. The company will roll out the update to your smartphone to fix the issue.
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Image Credits: Korea Herald