Zen Mobile launched Zen Cinemax 4G, the company’s latest smartphone with VoLTE support. The mobile comes with 22 different Indian languages which includes Marathi, Telugu, Tamil, Gujarati, Urdu, Punjabi, Hindi and much more. Using the language lock feature in the main screen, the user can choose the appropriate language. However, let us have a look at the specifications of the device in detail.
Zen Cinemax 4G Specifications
The smartphone sports a 5.5-inch FWVGA display at a resolution of 854 x 480 pixels.
It is powered by quad-core processor and runs on Android 6.0 (Marshmallow) out of the box.
The device comes with 2 GB RAM and 16 GB internal memory which can be expanded up to 32 GB using microSD.
Cinemax 4G has a 5-megapixel autofocus primary camera with LED flash and 5-megapixel selfie camera.
The device supports Dual SIM, GPS, Bluetooth 4.0, Wi-Fi 802.11 b/g/n and 4G VoLTE connectivity features.
Battery and Availability
It packs a 2900 mAh battery and will be available in Rose Gold and Champagne colors at a price of Rs 6390.
The device comes with onetime screen replacement (6 months) and free protection kit. It will be interesting to see if how many would go for Cinemax 4G since it packs a 5.5-inch FWVGA display at this price.