Vodafone launched the company’s latest ‘Unlimited Vodafone RED’ plans for its customers. The postpaid plans start from Rs 499 and go up to Rs 1999. Even the basic Rs 499 plan looks fine with unlimited local and STD calls besides the free national roaming on incoming calls, 3 GB free data on 4G devices and 100 free local and national SMS.
The plans and their prices may vary depending on the location of your circle. After hitting the data limit, the users will be charged at 50 paisa for additional usage. According to the company, these plans are not applicable in Himachal Pradesh, Jammu and Kashmir, Jharkhand, Bihar, Telangana, Andhra Pradesh, Chattisgarh and Madhya Pradesh.
Sandeep Kataria, Vodafone India’s chief commercial officer said:
Post-paid customers have higher usage of data and roaming. With the new Vodafone RED, there will be no more need to hold back. Our postpaid customers can enjoy a seamless all-in-one plan that addresses their data, roaming and calling needs comprehensively.
The built-in high quotas of data, unlimited local plus STD calling and free national roaming, coupled with value added benefits like priority access and a virtual relationship manager, make the Vodafone RED experience truly worry-free and delightful.