Qualcomm has announced the company’s latest processor, Snapdragon 835. The processor maker joined hands with the tech giant, Samsung to develop the latest chip that is made on 10nm FinFET node which entered mass production in October.
The latest 10 FinFET process by Samsung will provide at least 30 percent of efficiency in area with 40 percent lesser power consumption and 27 percent improvement in performance. All these improvements together can provide a great battery life enhancement.
Keith Kressin, senior vice president, product management, Qualcomm Technologies. Inc said:
We are excited to continue working together with Samsung in developing products that lead the mobile industry. Using the new 10nm process node is expected to allow our premium tier Snapdragon 835 processor to deliver greater power efficiency and increase performance while also allowing us to add a number of new capabilities that can improve the user experience of tomorrow’s mobile devices.
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