India’s own messenger app, Hike Messenger now supports Video calling for its users. This feature was earlier launched in the beta version of the app. The beta version was available only for a few hundreds and now the stable version is going to be rolled out to all the Android users from this week.
Kavin Bharti Mittal, Founder and CEO, Hike Messenger said:
“This was an obvious one and we’re excited to bring it to the market so quickly. We’ve been in beta for a few months and the results have been really positive. We’re now excited to roll this out across our entire userbase. We see India as primarily a sight and sound market — and we believe video calling will have a large impact on how people communicate inside of Hike.”
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All thanks to the video calling feature, the users in Hike Messenger will not only hear the voice, but can also see their friends and relatives during the call. According to the company, they developed and integrated this feature in such a way that it will work fine even in difficult situations such as being on 2G network.
Are you using Hike Messenger? Let us know if you have been waiting to have this feature in the app by commenting in the comments section below.
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