Google has rolled out an update for the US users. The people residing in US will be able to get information within the search results on how to vote in US and it includes details on what you must bring to the polling places, info on early voting, main-in ballots and more. To get the guide, you will have to type the keyword, “how to vote” in the search bar.
A similar update was released earlier in summer by Google. The company invited the googlers to get registered to vote ahead of the election. And for that, the information on how to get registered in person, online and by mail were provided by the company. The best part was that the guides depended on the user’s location.
The new “how to vote” feature also works in a similar way. You will get all the necessary information upon searching the keyword, “how to vote” in Google. As the Google does not have your exact location, it might not be able to direct you exactly to the polling location.