It’s been only a few hours since the reports started emerging that a dedicated Android VR headset will be launched at the Google I/O conference next week. Now, you can spot a new reference of the Android VR headset in Google Play Developer console.
Android Police has reported the news with a screenshot in which you can see a brand new tab of Android VR in the Developer Console. The other tabs such as Android Auto, Android TV and Android Wear are already present there. You will be able to see the new Android VR icon below the Pricing and Distribution section when you sign in to the Google Play Developer Console. Just like the other tabs, you wont be able click the Android VR icon and is just a placeholder.
The experts also believe that the Android VR headset by Google will not be as great as Oculus Rift or HTC Vive, but it is expected to be more powerful than the Samsung Gear VR that depends on a Smartphone.
We will be knowing more about the VR headset in the coming days and during the launch.