If you are Domino’s Pizza lover and if you own a Smartphone, there’s good news for you. The company launched its whole new Domino’s app called as Domino’s Zero click app using which you can complete the entire process of placing an order in a single click.
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Domino’s Zero Click app
While ordering all these days, the users had to be very patient between the sessions in the existing Domino’s pizza app such as choosing the pizza first, followed by filling the address etc so as to place an order which was very time-consuming. The latest Dominos app is going to help you finish all these steps in a single click. But, you will have to save all the necessary details in advance such as the account details, preferred order and the delivery address.
The Pizza app has been launched in both Android and iOS platforms. Unluckily, the app hasn’t arrived in India yet.
It is certain that the Zero app is going to do well in terms of the number of installations. But the company might have to consider stepping up security in its Domino’s mobile app as many loopholes have been discovered lately in them.
Let us know your thoughts on the food ordering apps and your experience on it.
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