Google which might be the default home page for most of the user who spend their time on the internet either for work or play, it is one site that we know can give patiently answers to all our questions and always has our backs. You obviously know that Google really knows a lot about you based on your search habit and the time we spend with it. But, did you ever try to find what Google knows about me? Well, it really knows a lot about us. And we do mean a LOT even more than all of our family members, friends and relatives.
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Here are the links that you can bookmark in case you’ll want to visit to get a detail about yourself and your friend habits and what Google knows about you.
1) Dashboard: The Dashboard page gives you a detail about which services you are using frequently and what your favorite Google products are. You can click on the Dashboard page link and get the required information.
2) Takeout: The Takeout page gives you complete data about your habit and what you have been doing on the internet in short every single piece of information that Google has about you and “.zip” file. You can download this file and read about you. Well, that is lots of reading there. So, do it when you have free time.
3) Permissions: The Permission page gives you detail about the permission that you have given to the various apps and site, and what exactly they entail. This is really useful as you would know where you need to let the permission as it is and where you want to change it.
4) Location History: The Location History page gives you the information about the places around the world you have ever used Google in which is categorized by year, month and specific date. But, the detail will be available only if your location history was enabled.
5) Ad Settings: The Ad Setting page let you control what particular kind of add you want to see when you visit any website. As, Google has its own logic that what add should be visible to you based on the search you do and your location, so yes, you can change what add should be displayed on the page by changing your add setting and turn them off as well.
Please do let us know if you know any other link that can help us to find more about what Google knows about me. We would love to update this post for our readers.
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