It is known that the Intel and Oakley have been working on a weary device. This weary gadget which is a joint collaboration of both the companies was showcased during Intel’s keynote at CES 2016 and is called “Radar Pace”. Brian Krzanich, the CEO of Intel has said that the device will go on sale later by the end of this year. The cost of the device was not disclosed though.
Just as the name sounds, Radar Pace is meant for athletics and workouts. The device lets you to control everything using voice commands. Say if you ask the Radar Pace, “What’s my workout today”, it would then answer “We’ll go 20 miles and climb 1800 feet.” This is however for athletes like Craig Alexander who was present at the event. For the rest of us, it would be more like 100 feet and 2-3 miles.
As the SmartGlass is controlled over voice, it obviously has a microphone and earplugs. There’s also a small computer on one of the arms. The device is more like Google Glass. The major difference between Google Glass and Radar Pace is that you will have to swipe the side of the headset to do things in Google Glass while Radar Pace allows you to do everything over voice commands.
Besides showcasing the SmartGlass, Intel has also made public its collaboration with New Balance which will help the athletes to connect with the technology. A SmartWatch is being developed by New Balance that is powered by Intel and it is slated for a release during the holiday season of the year.
As far as the partnership between New Balance and Intel is concerned, it is very evident that the products that are going to be launched in their collaboration is focused on athletics and workouts.
Stay tuned for more updates on CES 2016.
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