Blackberry launched Blackberry Priv, its first Android smartphone in India. As reported earlier, the launch took place at 11 AM on January 28, in New Delhi.
Blackberry Priv sports a 5.4 inch QHD (1440×2560 pixels) Amoled display with a pixel density of 540ppi. It is powered by Qualcomm Snapdragon 808 hexa-core processor (1.8Ghz dual-core Cortex-A57, and 1.44 GHz quad-core Cortex-A53) and runs on Android 5.1.1 Lollipop operating system. It is also packed with a 3 GB RAM and Adreno 418 GPU for high gaming performance.
Image Credits: Blackberry
In addition to the default 32 GB internal storage, Blackberry Priv also supports a microSD expansion slot (up to 2 TB). The device sports a stunning 18 MP Primary Camera that supports PDAF, optical image stabilization, dual-LED flash and 4K recording in addition to the 2 MP Secondary camera that offers HD video recording.
Blackberry Priv supports connectivity options like GPS/A-GPS, NFC, Micro-USB 3.5 mm audio jack, Bluetooth 4.1, Wi-Fi 802.11 a/b/g/n/ac with direct functionality and 4G LTE. The device also provides a wide range of sensors like activity monitor, ambient light sensor, altimeter, proximity sensor, gyroscope, accelerometer, time of flight (ToF) sensor and magnetometer. The device also boasts a battery with a whopping 3410 mAh, which is expected to be used for up to 22.5 hours in a single charge.
Image Credits: Blackberry
Last year, the company confirmed the launch of Blackberry Priv in September. Later after scheduling the pre-orders in October, Priv went on sale by November last year in Canada and US and was priced at $699. The smartphone will be available at a price of Rs. 62,990 through Amazon India and offline retail stores from Saturday.
India is one of the few countries where Android is loved by every Tom, Dick and Harry. Therefore, it is very evident that Blackberry’s pursuit to regain its momentum in the smartphone market is on the right track.
Also Read: Blackberry to release only Android smartphones in 2016