How to keep content organized

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These days, many businesses use content as a way to drive traffic and build an audience. Whether content comes in the form of blog posts or YouTube videos, it’s important to keep it organized. Otherwise, your business is at risk of repeating content and generally producing low-quality content. Here’s how to keep content organized.

Keep a Brainstorming Document

Content ideas can come from anywhere. You might be riding the bus to work, you might be walking along the beach, or you might be sitting at your desk in the office. When an idea hits, you need somewhere to make a note of it and this is where a brainstorming document comes in. It doesn’t have to be a well-organized document, it’s just somewhere to keep track of random ideas as they come in. Make it accessible on all of your devices, so you make notes wherever you are.

Use One Tool For Everything

Keeping content organized is easy if you have the right tool. However, you shouldn’t make the mistake of trying to use every tool on the market. It’s far better to use one tool for everything. Microsoft Sharepoint is one of the best tools for content organization because it integrates perfectly with Microsoft Office. So, if all of your work is on Word and Excel, you can integrate it easily. However, you need to find the tool that works best for your business.

Create Ideas For Each Buyer Persona

To create content that is directed at your customers, you need to refer to your buyer personas. Buyer personas are created by marketers as a way to imagine specific customers. This makes marketing and advertising campaigns seem more personal. If you don’t already have buyer personas, you should create them before you start creating content. If you do already have buyer personas, you should create ideas for each buyer persona.

Compile Your Best Ideas Once a Month

At the end of the month, it’s important to compile your best ideas. This will help you maintain a high standard of content, instead of just trying to find content to fill gaps. Have a monthly meeting with your content team and discuss the best ideas. Also, try to analyze what makes each content idea so good.

Keep Track of Target Audience

For modern businesses, target audiences can change all of the time. And if the target audience is changing, the content has to change as well. To ensure that this happens, it’s important to keep track of the target audience and align content with customer research.

Keep Track of Keywords

The most successful pieces of content are often the result of in-depth keyword research. Even if an idea isn’t the result of keyword research, it’s important to make sure that it’s hitting the right keywords when it’s published. Because of this, it’s important to keep track of keywords. Dedicated SEO specialists are the best resource in this case but sometimes this is a job that can be done by a content team.

Map Content Ideas Against Google Analytics

Google Analytics is the greatest tool for SEO specialists. It allows them to analyze a website’s performance, which includes the performance of the content. To improve the quality of content, it’s important to map ideas against Google Analytics. Ask whoever is in charge of your Google Analytics to perform an analysis of the existing content and then use that information to make informed decisions.

Share Performance Metrics in Monthly Meetings

It might seem that content creation is purely a creative endeavor. But there is a science behind it too. You need to analyze the success of each piece of content by looking at performance metrics. Then, you should share these at monthly meetings. This will serve to praise the content creators that are getting it right and inspire the content creators that aren’t hitting the mark.

Plan With an Editorial Calendar

It’s important to have an agile approach to content planning. You should have an editorial schedule with at least six months’ worth of content planned. However, you should also be able to react to current trends. This two-pronged approach ensures both consistency and relevance in your content.

Have Weekly Meetings to Ensure Alignment

Weekly content meetings allow content creators to share successes, ideas, and difficulties. You need a weekly meeting to ensure that the content team is aligned with the wider goals of the business. You can also use this meeting to analyze short-term results. However, remember to keep meetings short and focused. Nothing kills the creative spirit like a two-hour meeting.

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About the Author: Ranjit Ranjan

More than 15 years of experience in web development projects in countries such as US, UK and India. Blogger by passion and SEO expert by profession.